Eagle Egg Hunt Edit
Time: 11:30 AM ? 4:30 PM
Place: J. Hood Wright Park
Fun and educational event for children. The children will hunt for hidden "eagle" eggs and candy.
The children who find the imitation eagle eggs in the park will each receive a prize, either a bald eagle plush toy, which makes a call like a bald eagle when squeezed, or the winner will receive a copy of the book "The Little Red Lightouse."
Twelve prizes will be awarded.
Afterward the egg hunt neighborhood residents are invited on a brief walk to investigate the conditions along the footpath at 177th Street with Foot Park's Alan Ginsberg at 2:45 p.m.
Volunteers wanted to make this a memorable event for the children. Call 212-674-5121.
Location: J. Hood Wright Park, Fort Washington Avenue, between 173rd and 176th Streets.
Sponsor(s): Foot Park
Contact: Jean Bonnes | 212-674-5121 |
A live red tailed hawk will be on hand for the first
Eagle Egg Hunt for children, ages 3 to 13, at J. Hood
Wright Park on Saturday, March 26, from 11:30 to 4:30.
. At 2 p.m. Urban Rangers will speak about the
program to restore bald eagles to the forest in Inwood
Hill Park. The Urban Rangers will escort the live
Children who find the designated ?eagles? eggs? in
the hunt will receive prizes. The Eagle Egg Hunt is
sponsored by Foot Park, a new organization working to
restore access to parks. Foot Park is starting its
campaign with a project to reclaim the footpath,
starting at 177th Street to Fort Washington Park.
The staff of J. Hood Wright Park Recreation Center
will present the annual Bunny Hop contest and have
programs for face painting, basket making and
egg dying.
District Community Historian James Renner will
display maps, photos and other historical materials of
the Inwood Hill, Washington Heights area. An escorted
walk to inspect the nearby footpath will be offered.
Foot Park is starting its campaign for better access
to parks with a project to reclaim the footpath at
177th Street to Fort Washington Park. An escorted
walk along the neglected footpath will be offered.
In case of rain, all events will be held inside
the Recreation Center. For further information: J.
Hood Wright Recreation Center (212) 927-1514.
Posted by turnertourigny
at 10:03 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 14 March 2005 9:02 PM EST