The time of the Egg Hunt, a local, parent organized event on the western hill of southern Ft. Tryon Park, is approaching. Traditionally, 2 or 3 parents have taken on the role of coordinating this small event with advice and input from previous coordinators. It is an effort that takes about 5 hours of pre-organizing (collecting some "start-up" donations from local friends, ordering eggs and favors from Oriental Tradingn Co., hosting a gathering of parents to stuff eggs- really a wine and cheese party in disguise!), then day of event coordinating (hiding eggs, passing out a donation jar, and announcing 3 separate age groups for shifts of egg hunting.) This is the job in a nutshell.
I encourage all to participate in the event as it is a fun neighborhood gathering, and hope that a few people step up to coordinate this year's effort. Each previous year the coordinator took notes on budget, supplies, hunting format etc, in order to make the next year's coordinators' job easier.
Contact me directly if you are interested in coordinating and I will put you in touch with last year's coordinator Lori Hoffman for info. Thanks Lori for last year's great effort!
-Alex Brown
Posted by turnertourigny
at 5:03 PM EST